There are no clinically proven methods for rehabilitating hemianopia.  Visual scanning is the most evidence-based treatment for hemianopia and neglect, and is used widely by therapists in the UK.

As a therapist the best thing you can do to help you treat people with visual problems is to be able to identify visual problems in the people you are treating, and understand how these problems affect them in their daily lives.  If you work in stroke and are not yet experienced in dealing with vision loss, why not take a look at the "STARS" Advancing Module on Vision.  It doesn't take long.

We would also like to share with you this Vision Screening Tool that might be useful. Jayne Angilley uses this in her everyday practice. Please drop us a line at to let us know how you get on with it.


Try Eye-Search, free web-based visual search training from University College London (funded by the Stroke Association).
Listening Books is a UK charity providing audiobooks for people with reading difficulty. Books can be posted on CD, downloaded, or streamed online. There is a membership fee, but it is apparently heavily subsidised.